DIY Valentine...

Yes, I could have easily gone to the store and purchased a box of Valentines for my daughter's class, but you I am a little extra!  I came across these CUTE free Valentine's Day printables at oh goodie designs and I knew I wanted to use them in some way.  In case you can't see all of the text in the pics, they say "You Blow My Mind VALENTINE"

My daughter wanted balloons, but aren't the bubbles just adorable?

And for the teacher (who by the way, I am reminded every time we are on the candy aisle in a store, LOVES M&Ms) I used what I had. A mini mason jar, a cupcake liner, and some scrap ribbon made this into a thoughtful little package!

I think we are all set for Valentine's Day 2013.  What do you think?


  1. Very Cute!!! The blow pops with the bubbles were a great addition!!!! Simple and sweet!!!

  2. So original and thoughtful! They're going to love them! Thanks again for stopping by my blog for the sharefest last weekend xo

  3. Thanks guys. All the kids loved their valentines


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