Better Than A Bag of Candy

When I calculated the calories in my homemade Granola… I knew it was time for a new snack mix.  I have been a long time handful of raw almonds and a handful of Craisins Mixer.  I love a little crunch, and a little sweet.  But I really needed something to kick it up a notch this time.  A quick search around the kitchen and I came up with this new on the go snack.


1 cup whole raw almonds
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup shredded coconut - I used REAL coconut, not the sweetened stuff in a bag.  
2 tablespoons Agave Nectar
Dash of Sea Salt.

On a large cookie sheet, mix almonds and shredded coconut. Drizzle Agave Nectar over mixture. Bake for 25 - 30 min on 350 degrees until the coconut is nicely toasted. Check once during the baking time and stir the almonds and coconut to ensure the sweetener covers your entire mixture.  When it's done, the coconut will be a nice golden brown. Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle with Sea Salt, then mix in the dried cranberries.

If you can, resist the urge to give it a taste, because the sweetener will BURN YOUR TONGUE!

Allow to cool for about 20 minutes, THEN taste.  You will be so pleased with your crunchy, sweet, quick, portable snack mix.  If you are lucky enough, some of the coconut will stick to the almonds as it cools - BONUS!!!!

**EXTRA TIP - Don't be like me and put it all in one sandwich bag - split it up into several resealable sandwich bags for better portion control.


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